Artist, Curator, Researcher
Scrap fabrics, darning thread, broken/found jewellery, dimensions variable.
With regards to homosexuality the term faggot has been used as a pejorative since 1914, but in needlework faggoting (or fagotting) is a method of joining two pieces of fabric together leaving a small gap or ditch between them. This gap is usually filled with a decorative stitch to ‘fill’ the open-seam with the most common form being a zigzag pattern. Within this series the process of faggoting has been used to unite scraps of found fabrics and at both a material and conceptual level the work therefore recycles the decrepit into source of queer strength. Sections have been adorned with bits of broken jewellery and found objects which provoke associations with the human body, adornment and excess. The faggot stitch has also been carried out using darning thread, which is traditionally used for purposes of repair. Taken together, the work forms an abstract patchwork of bodies, lives and experiences which are connected and interwoven as one.